Monday, July 1, 2013

Been A Crazy Coupla Weeks!!!

So...this is just a recap of all we have been up to in the last few weeks. We have been super busy, from celebrating to doing family projects- even the work is fun! Enjoy!

The kiddos and I surprised Bobby with a birthday party/Father's Day bash, where he almost burnt down the house blowing out 42 candles!!! And like 12 of them were trick candles, but WHICH ONES??? Hahahahahaaa- blaze away!!!
 Yay! A Garmin Oregon 450 T GPS thingy! What I always wanted! Sara, you look weird... :*
 Hahahaha- such great decorators!!! Yeah- that red stuff is still everywhere 2 weeks later...hungry hungry vacuum!  Uhh...Dur, Emma. Bah!!!
 Yum- cake! Mine!!!! By the way, our hats say 'Birthday Boy' and 'Lucky wife' respectively...
 Heck ya- Johnny Cash Shirt!!! 'Because you're mine, I walk the line!'

Super fun day!!!!! Karina bringing us in for happy smiles!!!

I had a heckuva time getting Bobby to stay out of the house without ruining his big surprise. While we were out working, Aubry, Bryce, Emma, and Karina decorated the house with balloons, streamers, and this confetti string stuff (which is STILL all over our house, ha ha). He walked in the door and Bryce shot a balloon over his head.Why no pics of Aubry and Bryce you ask? No clue. They are all prolly on their Ipods instead of my archaic camera... *sigh*


For a Family Home Evening event we decided to make jerky as a family. We used it for our mutual activity, and it was a HUGE hit! Bobby makes the BEST jerky, and has the awesomest helpers!!!
Now we must SEASON the meat...

Nice weather gave Emma a chance to show off her amazing skills.
She is on the Excel team at Elevate Gymnastics, and can do stuff that makes my back hurt just watching...this is her doing a walkover thingy and doing the splits at the same time. Um. Ouch.

Emma also got to do a 'crappy' job for some great money.
 Emma got to clean out 12 bags of cat poop and half a dead cat from under someone's house for pay, hence the face mask and goggles. She was duct taped in her 'uniform' and got to work. I could smell her coming home before she even got to the porch. "I'm gonna pop some tags, only got $20 in my pocket..."

Karina got to do a gymnastics summer camp, and Bryce helped do her hair for crazy hair day...
And I helped do her clothes for Crazy clothes day!

Hey, homegirl got 1st place!!!!

Hard working girls earned some cash around the house...

 Helpin' Dad fill in some ruts in the yard with good old character-buildin' work...

But girls just wanna have fun, too!!!
Yes- that is the world's LARGEST guinea pig, and yes, he is wearing a shirt. These fashionistas made it. And he likes it. And yes, it's the same pig hiding in one of the above pictures. Our version of 'Where's Waldo' for your own enjoyment. Ten bucks you scroll back up now to look for which one he is in. Yeah, you looked, didn't ya?

Am hoping to get pics of the other kids as well for next time. They are out working with their dad earning some summer money and some serious farmer tans at the same time. I will capture them on camera, somehow. Buahahahahaaa....